
This blog has been set up by supporters of Six Nations in Brantford, Caledonia, Hamilton, Kitchener-Waterloo and Toronto to keep people updated about the current state of the struggle for the land, to give historical context to current struggles, and to bring attention to injustices that continue as part of colonial processes.

Recently allies have organized under the Six Nations Solidarity Network.  [Draft Principles of Unity coming soon].  Our perspective can best be summed up by the words of Gangulu Elder, Lila Watson: “If you have come to help me you are wasting my time.  But if you come because your liberation is bound up with mine that let us struggle together.”

The Six Nations Solidarity Network can be reached at 6nsolnet@gmail.com

One response to “About

  1. Great article !

    You seem to have researched Gary McHale quite well and understand this man.

    Here is a great resource centre for people who McHale has sued or threatened to sue. It pretty much gives a complete history on Gary McHale.


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