Monthly Archives: March 2012

An invitation to the April 28th march for Peace, Respect and Friendship

from the April 28th Coalition

We wish to extend greetings to our neighbours, to our Onkwehonwe (native) and non-native allies, and to all our brothers and sisters across Turtle Island.

In the spirit of our Ancestors and the Kainerakowa, the Great Peace,

We, Haudenosaunee of the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, invite you to join us on April 28, 2012 and to march for Peace, Respect and Friendship, as represented by the Two Row Wampum.

It has been 6 years since Kanonhstaton (“the Protected Place”) or the Reclamation began in 2006. Much has occurred since then. Our people have stood up and raised our voices and many connections, friendships, and relationships have been built. However, at the same time nothing has been done by the Canadian Government to address our treaties and land rights.

Therefore, we feel the time has come to stand together and respect the words of our ancestors, to call for our treaties to be honored, and to bring together our communities and allies to celebrate the principles of Peace, Friendship and Respect.

At 2pm on April 28th, 2012, we will be gathering at Edinburgh Square, a Haudenosaunee park across from the Caledonia Fairgrounds in the Township of Caledonia and then we will peacefully march down Argyle St. to the site known as Kanonhstaton. At the site there will be a potluck, live music, games, activities and discussions to which all people – from Six Nations, Caledonia, and any other community – are invited to attend.

We believe that Peace, Respect and Friendship is worthy of a celebration. It is the basis of our relationship and belongs to us all. We look forward to building on these friendships and coming together once again.

In peace, respect and friendship,

Land Protectors of Kanonhstaton

For more information or to endorse this event:

Twitter:  @kanonhstaton
Facebook: Kanonhstaton Six Nations

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